Recompile Vim with Python/Ruby Support on Arch Linux

Update 2014-08-21: The vim packages in Arch Linux have been reorganized:
The standard vim package should now contain Python support, so the
recompile is not necessary anymore.

For my vim configuration, I need a
version of Vim that was built with Python and Ruby support. Unfortunately, the
default version of Vim that is installed with pacman doesn’t support

The easiest way to solve this problem is to install the gvim package instead
of vim (don’t worry, the gvim package also includes a vim binary). But
this brings along a huge amount of dependencies that I didn’t want on my
system, so there’s no way around a package recompilation.

To ease the reconfiguration-process I found pacbuilder, a script to easily
recompile single packages or even the whole system. Install it using yaourt (or
manually if you prefer):

$ yaourt -S pacbuilder-svn

Then rebuild the vim and vim-runtime packages with the –edit option:

$ pacbuilder --install --edit vim vim-runtime

When the script asks you whether you want to edit the PKGBUILD file, answer
with y. Then find the first line that looks like this:

./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var/lib/vim 
  --with-features=big --with-compiledby=ArchLinux 
  --enable-gpm --enable-acl --with-x=no 
  --disable-gui --enable-multibyte --enable-cscope 
  --disable-netbeans --enable-perlinterp --disable-pythoninterp 
  --disable-python3interp --disable-rubyinterp --disable-luainterp

Edit the configure options to your likings. In my case, I changed the following

  • –disable-pythoninterp–enable-pythoninterp
  • –disable-python3interp–enable-python3interp
  • –disable-rubyinterp–enable-rubyinterp
  • –with-compiledby=ArchLinux–with-compiledby=”Custom Build (”

Also add python, python2 and ruby to the depends list inside the
package_vim() function. Then save and close the PKGBUILD file.

Pacbuilder will now go on to compile and install your custom build of Vim. You
can verify it with vim --version on the commandline.

Afterwards, if you want to prevent pacman from auto-upgrading your vim
package, you can add vim and vim-runtime to the IgnorePkg variable in