First Tests with the Micropython Board


Micropython ( is an implementation of the Python 3
language for microcontrollers. While this might sound like a stupid idea at
first (why use a high level garbage collected language on low level hardware?),
the creator Damien George has put a great amount of effort into this project.
And it’s safe to say that it turned out great. For more information and
implementation details, see the links on the start page of

Micropython is not just a language, there is also a hardware board designed to
run Python. The development and production costs were funded via Kickstarter.
As a backer, I’m one of the lucky people that can already hold one of these
things in their hands.

The micropython board.

To “program” the board, you simply copy a file called to the FAT16
filesytem on the board. This is a regular Python file, but additionally to the
standard library, you can also use a module called pyb. This module gives you access to the
hardware functions of the board, like LED control, I2C / SPI communication,
accelerometer status, interrupt handling and more.

The board even provides a REPL if you connect to it via serial console:

The micropython REPL.

How awesome is that? This is amazing for debugging purposes.

Sparkling LEDs

The board features four LEDs in different colors. Because blinking LEDs are the
“Hello World” of microcontrollers, I came up with this quick script:

import pyb

leds = [pyb.LED(i) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]]

def sparkle(delay):
    for led in leds:
    for led in leds:

while 1:

This is what it looks like:

Using the Accelerometer

Another built-in feature that you can use without soldering is the
accelerometer. You first
instantiate the pyb.Accel() class and can then request the current value
for the x, y and z axis.

According to the docs, the values should be between -30 and 30 (although I’ve
observed some values outside of that range). To visualize the values, I simply
translate the accelerometer range 0-30 to the LEDs 1-4: With an absolute
acceleration between 0 and 7.5, one LED lights up while for an acceleration
between 22.5 and 30 all four LEDs light up.

Small program to show the acceleration of the x and y axis on the LEDs. The
more you accelerate the board, the more LEDs light up.
import pyb
import math

leds = [pyb.LED(i) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]]
ac = pyb.Accel()

def accel():
    Return the maximum absolute acceleration in x or y direction.

    Should return values between 0 and 30.

    vals = [abs(x) for x in [ac.x(), ac.y()]]
    return max(vals)

def show_leds(n):
    Enable n LEDs.

    The parameter n should be in the 1..4 range.

    for i, led in enumerate(leds, 1):
        if i <= n:

while 1:
    a = accel()
    nof_leds = math.ceil(a / 7.5)

An easy way to test this program is to hold the board vertically. This causes
gravity to “pull” on the accelerator – the LEDs light up.