Pypi-publisher: a simple cli for publishing python libraries

I’ve just finished the first release of pypi-publisher (ppp), a library for simple command line publishing of python libraries.   You can grab the source or an install here:

In previous posts, I’ve shown how with a cookiecutter framework and some fast typing, you can release a package to pypi in pretty much no time at all.  In it’s current state, ppp can cut down on that slightly.  But as it grows to support more distribution types and more robust linting it will really cut down on the boring parts of releasing python code. Today it handles 4 main tasks:

  1. Update the .pypi file with potentially new servers or information
  2. Lint the candidate repository to make sure nothing critical is missing
  3. Create and push a tag to git for the release
  4. Register and publish the repository to a pypi server

The first release targets support for sdist (source distributions), but later releases will support wheels and other packaging options.

To install use pip:

pip install pypi-publisher

Then to use just:

ppp publish [-options]

Available options are:

  • -u/–username
  • -p/–password
  • -i/–index-url
  • -s/–server-name
  • -d/–dry-run
  • -v/–verbose
  • -t/–create-tag

To go into a little more detail of those 4 tasks mentioned above:

Updating .pypi file

If you already have a .pypi file at ~ on the box, then you can just pass -s to reference a server in that. If you pass
-s and -u, -p, and/or -i for a server that is in the file already, the parameters passed will be upserted into that
file. If you pass -s, -u, -p, and -i for a server that is not in the file, it will be inserted as a new server.

A few examples:

To use an existing server

ppp publish -s=foo

To update some values (username and index url) for an existing server

ppp publish -s=foo -u=bar -i=baz

To create a whole new server in the file:

ppp publish -s=foo -u=bar -p=baz -i=bat

Linting the candidate repository

Currently, the linting is very basic, and is just checking that a few files actually exist (, and
setup.cfg). This happens in all runs, regardless of flags passed.

Pushing a tag to git

If you pass the -t flag, ppp will try to find the version number in the file and push a tag with the version to
git. The search looks for any line (case insensitive) that starts with version or version, and takes it’s value, so

__version__ = '1.0.0'


VERSION = '1.0.0'

Would both work perfectly. It’s worth noting that if you push tags on the initial publishing to a test server, you won’t
need to push the same tag again for the following publishing to the prod server.

Publishing the repository

Currently, this only supports sdist uploads, in the future we plan to add more sophisticated packaging functionality,
like wheels.

Contributing and Issues

If you’d like to help development or have any feedback, let me know, and if you run into any issues with ppp please open up a ticket on github and I’ll look into it.

The post Pypi-publisher: a simple cli for publishing python libraries appeared first on Will’s Noise.