Django Migrations 101

Since version 1.7, Django has come with built-in support for database migrations. In Django, database migrations usually go hand in hand with models: whenever you code up a new model, you also generate a migration to create the necessary table in the database. However, migrations can do much more. With this course you’ll get comfortable […]

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Django Migrations: A Primer

Since version 1.7, Django has come with built-in support for database migrations. In Django, database migrations usually go hand in hand with models: whenever you code up a new model, you also generate a migration to create the necessary table in the database. However, migrations can do much more. You are going to learn how […]

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Modeling Polymorphism in Django With Python

Modeling polymorphism in relational databases is a challenging task. In this article, we present several modeling techniques to represent polymorphic objects in a relational database using the Django object-relational mapping (ORM). This intermediate-level tutorial is designed for readers who are already familiar with the fundamental design of Django. Free Bonus: Click here to get the […]

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How to Round Numbers in Python

It’s the era of big data, and every day more and more business are trying to leverage their data to make informed decisions. Many businesses are turning to Python’s powerful data science ecosystem to analyze their data, as evidenced by Python’s rising popularity in the data science realm. One thing every data science practitioner must […]

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