Deploy your blog to RedHat OpenShift for free with Quokka CMS

Quokka CMS is a content publishing system made with Python, Flask and MongoDB. It is easy and quickly to deploy a blog to OpenShift cloud for free with Quokka.


OpenShift is Red Hat’s Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that allows developers to quickly develop, host, and scale applications in a cloud environment. With OpenShift you have choice of offerings, including online, on premise, and open source project options.

Quokka CMS

Quokka CMS is a Content Management System, a platform to publish blogs, websites, portals and also a nice solution for intranets, Document Management System (GED/ECM), and also it is possible to create various kinds of applications based in content publishing as fundraising and e-commerce applications.

Quokka is Open Source developed in Python using Flask and MongoDB as its base.

Deploy a Blog to OpenShift in few minutes with QuokkaCMS

  1. Create a free OPenShift Account
  2. Confirm your account (you will receive an email)

Once confirmed you will see the following image with a link to create your first application.

You do not have to click that link, because we are going to use a pre-defined QuokkaCMS quick start.

You can simply click on the link below: (right click open in new window)

Launch on OpenShift

Clicking the above link will redirect you to OpenShift app creation screen, you only need to inform the name of your app “blog” or enything else you want. And if it is your first time in OpenShift you will need to provide a domain, you can use your username. This domain will be part of your URL until you define a custom domain.

Click the link create application and wait about 10 minutes for the application deployment.

OPenShift will provision a container on its open cloud, install python, mongoDB, quokka dependencies and also
install commom quokka configurations and sample data for you. You can even close the browser and come back again in few minutes

When deployment is done you will see this page

In this page there is the app URL and there is a link to your MongoDb password and if you want you can also install
RockMongo a web interface to admin your mongoDB directly (but it is optional)

Your Quokka Blog

Now you have a blog installed and accessible via click your app url link to see Quokka CMS home page.

Quokka will set up an example post and will generate a random password to the default admin user, copy that password and go to /admin page to change the default password.

Go to:
Login with the given username and password and you will see:

Click on accounts, user.

Select the pencil icon on admin user and change its password to anything you want.

Now you can start playing with your new blog.

Try to create a new post clicking on content -> post -> create or using one of the shortcuts on admin dashboard.

Quokka will allow you to write using its HTML editor or using MarkDown (better if you are posting code snippets)

Click on save and click on view on site to see your post published.

Your post is now online

What now?

Now you can do some configurations to set your own Disqus account and maybe customize the Theme or
even install a new theme from available themes, take a look to quokka community resources, there is a Slack channel that you can join to get help.

Contribute to Quokka CMS

You can contribute to quokka

On RedHat OpenShift you can find instructions on how to access your server shell via ssh and how deployment works, you can also use git to clone your quokka application to customize your theme.