Heroku Buildpack for Numpy, Scipy and Scikit-Learn

(TLDR: https://github.com/dbrgn/heroku-buildpack-python-sklearn)


At Webrepublic we just launched a Python based system that among other things
does comparison of large texts using tf-idf vectors in a multi-dimensional
vector space and measuring the cosine similarity between them (see
http://stackoverflow.com/a/8897648/284318). For this, we needed scikit-learn.

During the deployment process, I discovered that one does not simply deploy
scikit-learn on Heroku
. There were different issues with it. First of all,
Scipy needs Numpy to be available at setup.py parse time. If you just
install Numpy and Scipy using requirements.txt, Numpy won’t yet be installed at
the time the Scipy setup.py is processed. (Note that this has been fixed in
current versions of Scipy.)

Another issue was that a Fortran compiler and different libraries are needed to
build Scipy, all of which are not available on Heroku.

Problem Solving Attempts

The first thing I found while looking for a solution was
wyn/heroku-buildpack-python, but I couldn’t quite get it to work. The second
thing I found was ToonTimbermont/heroku-buildpack-python, a fork of wyn’s
fork that solves some of the issues.

(I also played around with Kenneth Reitz’s anaconda buildpack, but didn’t
really get it to work the way I wanted it.)

By combining the work of both developers, using the precompiled binaries by
and adding some code I managed to rebase all the changes on top of
Heroku’s current buildpack. This solves some issues/bugs with older versions of

Another change I made was that the dependencies can be stated in
requirements.txt as usual, instead of requiring a setup.py file.

You can find the buildpack at
https://github.com/dbrgn/heroku-buildpack-python-sklearn. All the changes
against the official Heroku buildpack at the time of this writing have been
condensed in a single commit.


The process to use the buildpack is as straightforward as with any other
buildpack. For a new app:

heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/dbrgn/heroku-buildpack-python-sklearn/

For an existing app:

heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/dbrgn/heroku-buildpack-python-sklearn/

If you have any questions or problems, feel free to leave a comment or open an
issue on Github

Update 8/4/13: It is important that you only use versions of Numpy and Scipy
that are available as precompiled binaries. For list of available versions, see
the npscipy-binaries repo.