New Year’s Python Meme 2014

Tarek Ziadé’s New Year’s Python Meme

What’s the coolest Python application, framework or library you discovered this year?

This year we have a tie between two must-have packaging-related utilities:

Both of these utilities help you make better Python packages, and I regularly use them in my packages via a Makefile like this:

    flake8 *.py
    python sdist
    python test

Good times! And better packages.

What new programming technique did you learn this year?

I didn’t program much in 2013 but when I did, I tried to write tests too. Check out the following projects to see how I did:

Which open source project did you contribute to the most this year? What did you do?

Pillow. Fork author and project lead. Aside from a working PIL, the most exciting thing about Pillow for me is my Gittip funding and working with the Pillow Team which includes most notably Eric Soroos and Christopher Gohlke.

Which Python blogs, websites, or mailing lists did you read the most this year?

This year I cut back to reading only the following feeds, consumed via Feedly:

What are the top three things you want to learn next year?

What is the top software, application or library you wish someone would write next year?

I wish there was some “Python to JavaScript bridge software”. It’s not the complexities of JavaScript that keep me from learning it, it’s that I don’t have any reason to obsess over it. Plone gave me that opportunity with Python, but not JavaScript (yet). Once that happens, I’m sure I’ll be as proficient in JavaScript as I am currently in Python (which is enough to get by).

Want to participate? Copy/paste/answer the questions below then tweet your entry with the #2014pythonmeme hash tag:

New Year's Python Meme

What’s the coolest Python application, framework or library you discovered this year?
What new programming technique did you learn this year?
Which open source project did you contribute to the most this year? What did you do?
Which Python blogs, websites, or mailing lists did you read the most this year?
What are the top three things you want to learn next year?
What is the top software, application or library you wish someone would write next year?