Building a data science portfolio: Storytelling with data

This is the first in a series of posts on how to build a Data Science Portfolio. If you like this and want to know when the next post in the series is released, you can subscribe at the bottom of the page.

Data science companies are increasingly looking at portfolios when making hiring decisions. One of the reasons for this is that a portfolio is the best way to judge someone’s real-world skills. The good news for you is that a portfolio is entirely within your control. If you put some work in, you can make a great portfolio that companies are impressed by.

The first step in making a high-quality portfolio is to know what skills to demonstrate. The primary skills that companies want in data scientists, and thus the primary skills they want a portfolio to demonstrate, are:

  • Ability to communicate
  • Ability to collaborate with others
  • Technical competence
  • Ability to reason about data
  • Motivation and ability to take initiative

Any good portfolio will be composed of multiple projects, each of which may demonstrate 1-2 of the above points. This is the first post in a series that will cover how to make a well-rounded…