PyCon UK 2018: My talk on xarray

Last week I attended PyCon UK 2018 in Cardiff, and had a great time. I’m going to write a few posts about this conference – and this first one is focused on my talk.

I spoke in the ‘PyData’ track, with a talk entitled XArray: the power of pandas for multidimensional arrays. PyCon UK always do a great job of getting the videos up online very quickly, so you can watch the video of my talk below:

The slides for my talk are available here and a Github repository with the notebook which was used to create the slides here.

I think the talk went fairly well, although I found my positioning a bit awkward as I was trying to keep out of the way of the projector, while also being in range of the microphone, and trying to use my pointer to point out specific parts of the screen.

Feedback was generally good, with some useful questions afterwards, and a number of positive comments from people throughout the rest of the conference. One person emailed me to say that my talk was “the highlight of the conference” for him – which was very pleasing. My tweet with a link to the video of my talk also got a number of retweets, including from the PyData and NumFocus accounts, which got it quite a few views

In the interests of full transparency, I have posted online the full talk proposal that I submitted, as this may be helpful to others trying to come up with PyCon talk proposals.

Next up in my PyCon UK series of posts: a general review of the conference.